Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Woodland Park Zoo 10/02

On Sunday we went with Michael's parents and his nieces to the Woodland Park Zoo! We had such a great time pushing the girls around in their strollers, watching them get excited about the animals and of course spending time with his parents. To top it off, Michael got to see his favorite animals, turtles, and I got to see my favorite, penguins!

Michael with Lexie and Kenzie

Hippos and Giraffe’s were right in sight!

Kenzie, where did the giraffe go?

Kenzie liked pointing at the animals making sure we all saw them:

The girls found a perfect cubby to look at the animals up close:

Michael even got up close to the Peacock:

Lexie and Sarah with the Monkeys:

Michael with his favorite animal, turtles:

Sarah with her favorite animal, penguins:

The girls pushing their strollers:

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